Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Astrology - Know your future from the position of Saturn in the horoscope

Study has shown that there are three major year blocks for human life in which he has to go through all the experiences of the world.

First Block  -   from birth to 32-35 years
Second Block - from 32-35 to 62-65
Third Block - from 62-65 to till death

A block of age provides an opportunity to fulfill all the desires of the world.

The second block is full of tests and complications, one feels disturbed and compelled.

The third block is likewise giving good and bad mixed results.

It is a different thing that one's first round is very good, one's second and one's third round.
Actually, this sequence of events is due to the position of Saturn in one's horoscope as this is the only planet which crosses the entire zodiac path in about 30 years.

After studying several horoscopes, we usually find that for those whose Saturn's presence is in the center of the horoscope, their first round (from birth to 32-35 years) is seen under a terrible crisis.
He has to struggle fiercely to get all the material comforts.
Many difficulties have to be faced in getting education, employment, even parents and family happiness too.

But in the second round ( from 32-35 to 62-65) through hard work and perseverance, he achieves specific success and succeeds in gaining high rank, prestige, wealth and fame.

And in the third round, (from 62-65 to till death)  by his auspicious actions, he is established as a respected and revered personality in the heart of the common man.
In his last hours, family members and affectionate surround him and even after his death, his fame saga continues for a long time.

If Shani Dev sits in the third, fifth, ninth or eleventh house of the horoscope, then the first phase  (childhood & youth) of the native passes through very splendidly, he gets an opportunity for excellent education, besides family support. In all the respect this round of his age is excellent.

In the second round, The native has to face many ups and downs, poverty and impoverishment, difficulties in business and going through difficult periods like imbalance of income and expenditure.

In the third round, less than the pleasures of the first round, but in the face of oddities and problems of the second round, this round passes well.
But in old age, his family members and friends leave him alone.

When Shani Dev sits in the twelfth, second, sixth or eighth house of the horoscope

In this case, The first phase of life is full of some problems and troubles,
the person has to face many ups and downs.
In this face of age, he has to suffer for education and employment and also lacks domestic happiness and peace.

But the native's second round passes through very brilliantly.
In this period, he gets the blessings of high officials or great dignitaries, which causes him to get all the success and fame.
But on attaining this wealth and fame, due to his intelligent wisdom eroding, he wanders off the proper path and becomes very conceited.
He thinks of nothing but wealth and fame.

But the third and last phase of the age is very painful for him.
Many diseases surround him, disputes relating to ancestral property and land property.
Due to his bitter and arrogant nature, everyone leaves him alone.
He eventually dies a painful death.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Numerology -- Importance of harmonious vibration


Why is harmonic vibration important between number of birth date and the name number of someone?

This is important because If the number given by someone birth date and name (which is often used in everyday life) does not correspond to each other, then this is an indication that there is a possibility of botherations or disparities in someone's plans and career, even it's a sign for a drastic change in that person career.

In such case, if a person receives high rank status too then its end happens painfully and unusually.


To find the number of the name one can use the following alphabetical number chart where each and every letter has its occult value.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I   J  K   L  M  N  O  P  
1  2   3  4  5  8  3  5  1   1  2   3   4  5   7  8
Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
1   2  3  4  6  6   6   5  1  7
We can write and understand the above table as follows—
1   2  3  4  5   6  7  8
A  B  C  D  E  U  O  F
I    K  G M  H V  Z  P
J   R   L T  N W
Q        S     X
In above mentioned table we do not find any letter that represents number 9. 
As per the Chaldean’s view who originated this number system, in the ‘ highest sphere’ the number 9 represents 9 lettered name of the God and this is the reason that no letter of this table has the ability to ascribe it.
Now one important question arises whether the first and last names will be combined together to find the last digit as the key number?
The answer is that when the surname is used more than the first name or in evidence, it will be taken to give the key number and if anybody’s first and last name is used mostly together, then it will be taken as the certification of that man or woman and will be added to give them key numbers.

Part –3

Under this series most noticeable point is that which numbers correspond to each other.
In this connection, there are mainly two groups:

 Group A and Group B

Group `A’ has numbers 1, 2, 4 & 7 where 1, 2 & 4 are fully harmonious vibrated each other but number 1 and 2 are harmony with number 7 in less degree.
Group `B’ has numbers 3, 6 & 9 which are fully harmonious vibrated with each other.
Under the peculiar set of number 4 and 8, we find strong magnetic combination between them. However, in the form of worldly perspective this combination cannot be considered lucky because of their fatalistic tendencies. It is often linked to the unfortunate and painful incidents of life such as major economic losses, accidents, lawsuits and unusual deaths etc. Therefore every person should try that the combination of number 4 and 8 cannot be formed in any way; we will discuss this topic in detail later on.
Number 5 has the friendship with number 1 and 6 however this number can be harmonize with any other numbers but due to the fatality of numbers 4 and 8, the combination of number 5 with the number 4 or 8 indicates inauspiciousness in some cases.
• It can be understood by an example that how anyone can apply this vibration rule. 
For this purpose, I have taken an example of Mr. NITIN KUMAR SRIVASTAVA whose horoscope was analyzed about his career. You can see his horoscope’s description on my face book page. 


• NAME- NITIN KUMAR SRIVASTAVA (mostly used Nitin Srivastava)
• DATE OF BIRTH – 29-APRIL-1981,   TIME – 3:30 PM,   PLACE – LUCKNOW, UP
1st case 
NITIN                                         KUMAR           5+1+4+1+5 = 16                    2+6+4+1+2 = 15         1+6 = 7                                  = 1+5 = 6  
3+2+1+6+1+3+4+1+6+1= 28= 2+8 = 10                                    = 1+0 = 1
Now  7 + 6 + 1 = 14 = 1+4 = 5
After adding up all three names’ single digit we get number 5 (his complete name number)

2nd case

He never used `kumar’ and is well known by Nitin Srivastava. 
5+1+4+1+5 = 16 = 1+6 = 7  
3+2+1+6+1+3+4+1+6+1= 28= 2+8 = 10
=1+0= 1
Final digit of his name in this case we have got 8 (7+1=8)
His birth date number = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2
In 2nd case his name number and birth date number are not in accord each other and as stated earlier when name number (often used in everyday life) and birth number does not correspond to each other then this is an indication that there is a possibility of botheration or disparities in someone’s plans and career even if a person receives high rank status too then its end happens painfully and unusually.
If you go through the post shared earlier on my page you will find how this system of numerology fits right in the career of Mr. Nitin Srivastava.
Under the first case, He was advised that if he uses Nitin Kumar Srivastava instead of Nitin Srivastava then he may become lucky gradually and will get rid of many obstacles and botheration in his career because number 5 can be harmonize with any other number as stated earlier.


As we all know, there are only nine Planets in our Solar System.

Similarily there are only nine numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 by which all our calculations are made on this earth.

Numbers representing the days of the week are as follows--
(सप्ताह के दिनों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले नंबर इस प्रकार हैं)
Sunday                 1--4
Monday                2--7
Tuesday               9
Wednesday         5
Thursday             3
Friday                   6
Saturday              8

These numbers correspond to the planet as follows--
(ये संख्याएं इस प्रकार ग्रह के अनुरूप हैं)--
Sun                       1      (SOORYA)
Moon                    2      (CHANDR)
Jupiter                  3      (GURU)
Uranus                  4      (RAHU)
Mercury                5      (BUDH)
Venus                    6      (SHUKR)
Neptune                7      (KETU)
Saturn                    8      (SHANI)
Mars                      9       (MANGAL)


ARIES -- मेष राशि
From 21st March to the 19th April
It is ruled by the Planet Mars (Positive)
Its no is 9.

TAURUS -- वृषभ राशि
From 20th April to the 20th May
It is ruled by the Planet Venus (Positive aspect)
Its No. is 6

GEMINI -- मिथुन राशि
From 21st May to the 20th June
It is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Positive aspect)
Its No. is 5

CANCER -- कर्क राशि
From 21st June to the 20th July
It is ruled by the Moon (No. 2 & 7)

LEO -- सिंह राशि
From 21st July to 20th Aug.
It is ruled by the Sun

VIRGO -- कन्या राशि
From 21 Aug. to the 20th Sep
It is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Negative aspect) 
Its no. Is 5

LIBRA -- तुला राशि
From 21st Sep to the 20th Oct.
It is ruled by the Planet Venus Negative aspect
Its no. is 6

SCORPIO -- वृश्चिक राशि
From 21st Oct. To the 20 the Nov.
It is ruled by the Planet Mars (negative) 
Its no. is 9

SAGITTARIUS-- धनु राशि
From 21st Nov. To the 20th Dec.
It is ruled by the Planet Jupiter (Positive aspect). It's no. is 3

CAPRICORN -- मकर राशि
From 21st Dec. To the 20th Jan 
It is ruled by the Planet Saturn (Positive aspect), Its no. is 8.

AQUARIUS -- कुंभ राशि
From 21 Jan To the 21st Feb.
It is ruled by the Planet Saturn (Negative aspect. Its no. is 8.

PIECES -- मीन राशि
From 19th Feb. To the 20th March
It is ruled by the Planet Jupiter (Negative aspect). Its no. is 3.

NOTE - The positive aspect gives the more physical and forceful qualities and the negative aspect gives mental qualities thay are often seen mental warrior.
                     'RADHEY KRISHNA'


Saturn and Mars are both considered malefic planets, but there is an important difference in their nature. Saturn is known as a very cruel...