Monday, April 8, 2024

In which house of the horoscope the Sun can give the best results to a person?

According to astrology, Sun represents soul and father.
People who have a strong Sun in their horoscope  they do not like any kind of hindrance, restriction or advice in their work and are very determined and ambitious and have a tendency to be leaders everywhere, be it any department or business.
Moreover,  father's life span,  position and prestige is increased
And the native becomes a sharer in the happiness of his father.

So let us discuss those four specific houses of the horoscope where Sun can give the most auspicious results.

When the Sun is placed in the third, sixth, tenth or eleventh house of the birth chart, then it is in its strongest position and becomes the provider of extremely auspicious results to the person.

Third House --
When it is in the 3rd house it makes the person very courageous, sharp minded, sweet spoken and clean hearted. He gets the facilities of high class vehicles and servants etc.
But the number of brothers is less. If the Sun is not in its own sign then the happiness of the brother and the family decreases and if this Sun is also affected by malefic planets then there is a fear of poison, fire, skin disease and bone breakage. There may be untimely death of a brother or sister or else a distance is created between them due to some kind of ideological differences etc.
No matter what the reason is, in such a case, the person's brother and sister may be unhappy; they may also be deprived of the happiness of having children.

However, Sun in the 3rd house makes the native wealthy and materialistic.

Sixth house --
Due to the presence of Sun in the sixth house, the person becomes famous, victorious over enemies, royal, highly respected people follow his advice.
He may own a high class vehicle and enjoy special luxuries. The influence of Sun in this place makes a person very talented, intelligent and diplomate.

If the Sun in the sixth house is associated with or is  aspected by auspicious planets And if the lord of the sixth house is also in a good position and there is auspicious effect on it then person becomes strong and courageous. In front of him the power of enemies becomes weak, no matter how big the circle of enemies is.
On the contrary, if the sixth lord is weak then destruction of the enemy is certain, but it is not auspicious for the father.

Tenth House -
The presence of the Sun in the tenth house makes a person healthy, intelligent and a brave warrior.
Such a person is very courageous, famous and familiar with the ways of earning money but at the same time he loves the society of saints.
If 2 or 3 auspicious planets are aspecting the Sun at this place then the person is a favourite of the king, adept in all works, famous and valiant.
Even if Sun is in its exalted sign or own sign then the person becomes famous and renowned.
But if the Sun is associated with or aspected by any malefic planet, then the person has to face obstacles in his work and he may deviate from his goal.
He may even become mean and corrupt and get involved in anti-social activities and become a part of infamy.

Eleventh House --
When the Sun is placed in the eleventh house, the person is healthy, has an attractive body, is endowed with knowledge, wisdom and morality. He gets fame due to his good deeds, gets the favour of highly respected and royal people, but he also has many enemies.
If the Sun of this place is in its exalted sign or own sign, is under the influence of auspicious planets and is also strong in the Navamsha and other sections then such a person can get a prestigious administrative post  and can also become a great politician.

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