Saturday, July 25, 2020


As we all know, there are only nine Planets in our Solar System.

Similarily there are only nine numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 by which all our calculations are made on this earth.

Numbers representing the days of the week are as follows--
(सप्ताह के दिनों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले नंबर इस प्रकार हैं)
Sunday                 1--4
Monday                2--7
Tuesday               9
Wednesday         5
Thursday             3
Friday                   6
Saturday              8

These numbers correspond to the planet as follows--
(ये संख्याएं इस प्रकार ग्रह के अनुरूप हैं)--
Sun                       1      (SOORYA)
Moon                    2      (CHANDR)
Jupiter                  3      (GURU)
Uranus                  4      (RAHU)
Mercury                5      (BUDH)
Venus                    6      (SHUKR)
Neptune                7      (KETU)
Saturn                    8      (SHANI)
Mars                      9       (MANGAL)


ARIES -- मेष राशि
From 21st March to the 19th April
It is ruled by the Planet Mars (Positive)
Its no is 9.

TAURUS -- वृषभ राशि
From 20th April to the 20th May
It is ruled by the Planet Venus (Positive aspect)
Its No. is 6

GEMINI -- मिथुन राशि
From 21st May to the 20th June
It is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Positive aspect)
Its No. is 5

CANCER -- कर्क राशि
From 21st June to the 20th July
It is ruled by the Moon (No. 2 & 7)

LEO -- सिंह राशि
From 21st July to 20th Aug.
It is ruled by the Sun

VIRGO -- कन्या राशि
From 21 Aug. to the 20th Sep
It is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Negative aspect) 
Its no. Is 5

LIBRA -- तुला राशि
From 21st Sep to the 20th Oct.
It is ruled by the Planet Venus Negative aspect
Its no. is 6

SCORPIO -- वृश्चिक राशि
From 21st Oct. To the 20 the Nov.
It is ruled by the Planet Mars (negative) 
Its no. is 9

SAGITTARIUS-- धनु राशि
From 21st Nov. To the 20th Dec.
It is ruled by the Planet Jupiter (Positive aspect). It's no. is 3

CAPRICORN -- मकर राशि
From 21st Dec. To the 20th Jan 
It is ruled by the Planet Saturn (Positive aspect), Its no. is 8.

AQUARIUS -- कुंभ राशि
From 21 Jan To the 21st Feb.
It is ruled by the Planet Saturn (Negative aspect. Its no. is 8.

PIECES -- मीन राशि
From 19th Feb. To the 20th March
It is ruled by the Planet Jupiter (Negative aspect). Its no. is 3.

NOTE - The positive aspect gives the more physical and forceful qualities and the negative aspect gives mental qualities thay are often seen mental warrior.
                     'RADHEY KRISHNA'

1 comment:


Saturn and Mars are both considered malefic planets, but there is an important difference in their nature. Saturn is known as a very cruel...