Friday, May 31, 2024

ज्योतिष में ग्रहों का चतुर्विध सम्बन्ध और राजयोग

सम्बन्ध 4 प्रकार के होते है --
1. अन्योन्य राशि स्थिति - जिसको क्षेत्र सम्बन्ध भी कहा जाता है तात्पर्य यह है की एक राशि का स्वामी किसी दूसरी राशि में वैठा हो और उस राशि का स्वामी उस प्रथम राशि में वैठा हो अथवा केन्द्रेश त्रिकोण में और त्रिकोणेश केंद्र में जैसे वृष का स्वामी शुक्र कर्क में  और कर्क का स्वामी चन्द्रमा वृष राशि में वैठा हो इसी प्रकार मेष का धनु में और धनु का मेष राशि में स्थित हो. यह चार सम्बंधों में से सबसे बाली अर्थात सर्वोत्तम सम्बन्ध कहा गया है I
2. परस्पर दृष्टि सम्बन्ध - एक ग्रह दूसरे ग्रह को पूर्ण दृष्टि से देखता है और वह दूसरा ग्रह भी इस प्रथम ग्रह को पूर्ण दृष्टि से देखता हो यह उपर्युक्त नियम से कुछ न्यून फल देने वाला होता है I
3. अन्यतर दृष्टि सम्बन्ध - एक ग्रह किसी राशि में हो और  वह ग्रह इस राशि स्वामी को देखता हो जैसे बृहस्पति मिथुन राशि में हो और उसकी दृष्टि बुध पर हो I
4. सहावस्थान सम्बन्ध - अभिप्राय यह है की एक स्थान में दो भावों के स्वामी मिल कर बैठें या फिर दोनों एक वर्ग के हों जैसे नवमेश सूर्य और दशमेश बुध एक साथ तुला राशि में बैठे हो यह यह उपर्युक्त तीन सम्बंधों से कम शक्ति को रखने वाला राज योग होगा I

लग्न का स्वामी साधारण राज योग का निर्माण करता है,
चतुर्थेश उससे बली तथा उसके बाद सप्तमेश बली होता है और दशमेश सबसे अधिक बली होता है I
इसी प्रकार नवमेश पंचमेश से अधिक बली होता है I

परिणामस्वरूप नवमेश-दशमेश का यदि प्रथम प्रकार का सम्बन्ध हो तो यह सर्वाधिक बली राजयोग बनाएगा I
यदि नवमेश और दशमेश के सम्बन्ध के साथ पंचमेश का भी सम्बन्ध हो जाये युति या दृष्टि किसी प्रकार भी तो ऐसे राजयोग का फल बहुत ही उत्कृष्ट होता है I
किन्तु केन्द्रेश व त्रिकोणेश के सम्बन्ध के साथ यदि 3, 6, 8, 11 या 12 वें भाव के स्वामी का सम्बन्ध बन जाये तो राजयोग के फल में न्यूनता आ जाती है, उत्कृष्ट फल नहीं मिलता I
कई स्थानों में केंद्र व त्रिकोण का स्वामी एक ही ग्रह होता है जैसे किसी व्यक्ति का जन्म वृष लग्न में हो तो नवमेश व दशमेश शनि होता है ऐसे में शनि राज योग प्रदाता हो जाता है I
यह बात स्मरण रखने योग्य है की जब एक ही ग्रह केन्द्रेश व त्रिकोणेश हो और उसकI किसी दूसरे केन्द्रेश त्रिकोणेश से सम्बन्ध हो तो राजयोग का बहुत ही उत्कृष्ट फल होता है.
इन योगों में एक बात और भी विशेष है की यह केन्द्रेश और त्रिकोणेश का सम्बन्ध किस भाव में बन रहा है और इन ग्रहों का बलIबल भी जांचना बहुत जरुरी होता है जैसे यह क्या अस्त, नीच, उच्च या मूलत्रिकोणादि राशि में है अर्थात कैसी स्थिति में है I

Friday, May 24, 2024

Importance of Pada Lagn or Arudha Lagna in context of wealth analysis.

Arudha Lagna, also known as Pada Lagna, is an important point in the horoscope that reveals valuable information about a person's external image and reputation.
The position of the Arudha Lagna is the same number of places ahead of the house where Lagnesh is located from the Lagna in the birth chart.
For example, if Mercury is placed in the second house in the Gemini ascendant horoscope, then the second house from the second  i.e. the third house from the ascendant will be Arudha Lagna.

According to the sage Jaimini, if Saptam Arudha falls in the center or triangle place i.e. first, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth or tenth house from Arudha Lagn then it indicates a continuous increase in the wealth and prosperity of the person.

But if the Seventh Arudha falls in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from the Arudha Lagna, then poverty enters the person's life.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Importance of Ascendant lord, ninth house lord and destiny doer in horoscope

Actually, the strength of a person's fortune depends on the strength of the lords of three specific houses in the horoscope.

Destiny doer -
The lord of the house in which the lord of the ninth house is situated in the chart is called the destiny maker, it determines the fate of the person.

Ninth house lord -
Ninth House Lord is also known as Master of Fate that confirms the destiny of a person.

Ascendant lord -
The lord of the Ascendant i.e. Lagnesh is the planet that tells the fortune as it reveals the ability, determination and will power of a person.
Therefore, it is very important to evaluate these three planets in depth. If they are in a strong position in the horoscope such as being in their own sign, exalted sign or Moola-Trikona sign or are located in the center or triangle house of the horoscope and are aspected or conjunct with auspicious planets then the person is extremely fortunate and he enjoys the happiness of good fortune for a long time, even if he is born in an ordinary family.

This rule is fully applicable to the horoscope of our Honorable Prime Minister shri Narendra Modi.

His horoscope is of Scorpio ascendant in which the above three planets are situated in this way --
Lord of ascendent--
Ascendant lord Mars is placed in its own sign in the ascendant.

Bhagyesh -
The lord of the ninth house, Moon is situated in its low zodiac sign in the ascendant.

Destiny Doer :
In this horoscope, the lord of the ninth house, moon is situated in the ascendant, so the lord of the ascendant, Mars, will be the destiny maker.

That is, Lagnesh, Bhagyesh and Destiny doer, all three are located in the center-triangle (kendr-trikon) of this horoscope Where the debility of the Moon is eliminated and a strong Raj Yoga is formed.
Here Mars is also at the mid-point of the house.
Moreover this rule applies equally to the moon horoscope too due to which PM's good fortune has doubled.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What are the combinations of planets in the horoscope that can make a person adulterous?

In some specific yogas given below in the horoscope the native may have two or more illicit relationships.

1. If Mars is in the seventh house then the person can have relationship with many women (especially corrupt ones) or he destroys the family by having an illicit relationship with another man's wife.

2. If the Sun is in the seventh house then the person may have attachments with many women.

3. If the second lord is combined with seventh lord and Venus is combined with sixth lord in the horoscope and is also under the influence of malefic planets, then the person is attached to other women and goes on the wrong path. If it is aspected by an auspicious planet, then this result is almost certainly eliminated.

4. If Lagnesh and sixth lord are combined with malefic planets, then the person goes on the wrong path and becomes an adulterer.

5. If the Lagnesh, the sixth lord and the second lord are associated with malefic planets, or if Saturn and the seventh lord are associated with malefic planets and are placed in the seventh house, then also the person follows the path of adultery.

6. If Rahu or Ketu is in the second house or seventh lord is aspected by malefic planets, then also the person is adulterous.

7. If the tenth lord, second lord and seventh lord are situated in the tenth house, then the person is likely to have an adulterous relationship.

8. If any one of the three planets, seventh lord, second lord and tenth lord is situated in the fourth house in the Kundali, then in such a combination, the person is definitely an adulterer.

9. If the fifth lord and ninth lord are situated in the wicked houses 6, 8, 12 along with the seventh lord in the Kundali and are weak, then even after living with many women, the person is unable to have a son.

10. If the lord of the ascendant in the eighth or twelfth house and the malefic planets are situated in the seventh and second house, then in such a combination also the person has two wives.

11. If any sinful planet and seventh lord is situated in the Lagna, then also the person is immoral and is attracted to other's women.

12. The more planets related to the second lord and seventh lord in one's horoscope, the more likely it is that the native will have more love relationships in the life.

13. The number of unions or love relationships is also considered based on the number of planets related to the zodiac sign in which the seventh house is located.


Saturn and Mars are both considered malefic planets, but there is an important difference in their nature. Saturn is known as a very cruel...